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About Us

Fondazione Fossano Musica

Our story is a story that contains many, but you can safely say that it is a story of music, musicians and expression of a territory.

It was 1974 when a Civic Musical Institute was created in Fossano, named in 1976 after Vittorio Baravalle, a composer from Fossano who lived between the second half of 1800 and the first half of 1900.

The institute grew steadily over the years in number of students and educational offer deeply rooted between the Fossanesi and residents of neighboring municipalities.

Thirty-five years after its birth, in 2011, the Istituto Civico Baravalle merged into the nascent Fondazione Fossano Musica together with the association Musicainsieme, an expression of musical activities for children and schools.


Architects of this "revolution" the municipality of Fossano and the CRF Foundation that, together, they created a school that satisfied the city’s love of music and was able to grow by offering every day a wider program and a high-level teaching proposal to accompany students on a path of musical growth from the first steps to higher education.

Today the Fossano headquarters offers over 35 musical addresses to its more than 800 students and is one of the largest and most prestigious musical institutes in Piedmont.

Musical education requires an adequate methodological condition of interdisciplinarity, since it is in constant relationship with all the fields of knowledge. Despite this widespread awareness, however, the study of music in Italy has developed in conditions of separateness from other educational streams, creating in this way a distance also "physical" and "logistical" from the educational offer.

Structured as a foundation under private law operating in the field of music training at national and international level, the objective is therefore to recognise and enhance an organic basic music training widespread throughout the territory, with the aim of contributing to the development and formation of the culture and musical sensitivity of the new generations and of adults, as part of the overall project of formation of the person.

For these reasons, the paths of study start from early childhood and have no age limit, but calibrate and adapt to each stage of the personal path.

Basically, the main educational areas are that of individual and ensemble instrument and singing lessons, the legacy of the Baravalle Institute and music projects in schools and for children: courses in kindergartens and kindergartens; projects for primary schools; the project Orchestrando for middle schools and so on up to the possibility of choosing between an amateur and an academic path.

FFM does not only mean Baravalle and Musicainsieme. Since 2012, in fact, the FFM has been enriched by welcoming other musical realities of the Province. Thus was born a network of Istututi and music schools among the most important in Italy.

Today the FFM team includes the Istituto Civico Musicale A. Gandino in Bra and the Istituto Civico Musicale C. Marenco in Ceva. The FFM also organises music courses at the Trinità and Garessio branch offices.

The Civic Musical Institute "Adolfo Gandino" of Bra was founded in October 1983 on the initiative of Mr. John Moscow as a branch of the Musical Institute Baravalle of Fossano. In 1987 the Institute became autonomous and was named after the Braid musician Adolfo Gandino. Since October 2012 the artistic direction has been entrusted to M Gianpiero Brignone, musician Fossanese; from the same date the Institute A. Gandino, while preserving its identity, has started the collaboration with the Fossano Musica Foundation.

The aim of the Institute is to act as a tool for learning the language of music through all its facets, bringing together the new generations and adults in order to expand the formation of the person. Inside, those who want to get closer to music can find the courses with classic address, the departments of modern music and jazz and the section dedicated to the training of children.

The Civic Musical Institute "Carlo Marenco" of Ceva was established in 1984 and is active since the training year 1984/85. As of 10 October 2012, the administrative and educational management of the Institute is entrusted to the Fossano Musica Foundation. It is named after Carlo Marenco, a Ceban playwright.


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